Discoveries Tiles

Tiles with 18th century painting, inspired by engravings of caravels of the Portuguese discoveries.


14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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Pero Diaz 1

14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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Pero Diaz 2

14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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Sancho de Tovar

14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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Pedralvez Cabral

14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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Gaspar de Lemos

14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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Simão de Miranda

14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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14x14x1 cm
0.350 kg + package/pacote

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